
An ounce of prevention is particularly sage advice for owners of lawn sprinkler systems. De-winterizing sprinklers takes a bit of time, but it’s a necessary precaution to keep lawns healthy and well-maintained. Here’s what you should know about preparing sprinklers for spring the right way.

What to Do Before Switching on Sprinklers

Before you get started, use a shovel to make sure the ground has thawed. Dig at least 12 inches into the soil. If you hit frost, wait a week or two. Frozen turf means it’s still cold enough to freeze water, which increases your risk of broken water lines.

sprinkler systemFirst, inspect sprinkler heads, and clean them of any debris. If a sprinkler head was damaged over the winter, unscrew it and replace it. Next, locate the vacuum breaker, which is usually found near an exterior wall, and close it. During the winterizing process, you likely opened valves to prevent winter damage. Now is the time to close them.

How to Turn on Sprinklers Correctly

Now, you’re ready to let water gently flow back into your sprinklers. Letting water fill your system all at once may crack pipes and break valves. Instead, slowly open the main valve until the water starts to run. Every few minutes, open the valve a little bit wider. Repeat this process in each sprinkler system zone to keep your lawns, gardens, trees, and shrubbery green and beautiful all spring long.


If you need help with sprinkler system installation, maintenance, or repairs, contact the team at Design Rite Sprinkler Company in Milford, OH. Serving both homeowners and businesses across Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, they have over 25 years of hands-on experience to help lawns and gardens look their best. For a free consultation, call (513) 248-8999 today, or visit them online to learn more about their work.
