
Most offices follow open floor plans or have cubicles to give employees individual spaces. While open concepts offer numerous advantages, there are still several reasons why some organizations prefer to add separations. Review the perks here to decide whether this setup is right for your business.

How Cubicles Are Helpful in Workplaces

1. Personal Space

When you install cubicles, every employee gets the same amount of personal space. They can decorate their workstations as they wish, putting up calendars, reminders, pictures of family and friends, motivational quotes, and photos of their favorite trips. Since each area is the same size, no one will feel intimidated or upset about the amount of space a coworker has.

2. Fewer Distractions

cubiclesCubicles allow employees to work without distractions. They are less likely to notice disruptive sounds with barriers, which can increase productivity and attention to detail. In turn, this might boost your company’s reputation as a relaxing place to work and ensure you get higher-quality results.

3. Storage Options

These timeless office configurations provide space for storing documents at each desk. You can install shelves and cabinets to allow employees to house their own supplies without having to trek across the office every time they need paper clips, notebooks, and writing tools. Convenience also reduces downtime and boosts productivity.

4. Improved Morale

People are happier when they feel productive and focused. The opposite is also true, and comfort at work helps improve productivity. Many people value privacy, which cubicles give. Same-size workstations also contribute to employee morale because everyone feels equally valued. 

If cubicles are ideal for your office, talk to the experts at Office Furniture Solutions. They offer office planning services that include free 3D design consultations in the metropolitan area of St. Louis, MO. Their new and used cubicles can be reconfigured in many different ways to meet your company's needs. Call (314) 567-5558 to schedule your free design consultation, or learn more about their office solutions online.
