
Clean, cavity-free teeth are visible signs that a child is in excellent oral health. Promoting positive oral hygiene habits with your kids now will help them have strong teeth and bright smiles for years to come. Here are a few tips to support your efforts in caring for your family’s total well-being.

3 Tips to Encourage Children’s Oral Hygiene

1. Develop a Brushing Routine

For healthy smiles and fewer cavities, children should brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes, twice daily. Setting a timer and having them brush when they wake up and before watching their evening TV show or reading a bedtime story can help establish a routine. If your kids see you exhibiting positive habits like brushing and flossing, your behavior will prompt them to do the same.

2. Change Toothbrushes Regularly

Ensure your child’s toothbrush is in top shape. Buy new brushes every three months, or more often if the bristles are worn or bent. Letting your kids choose their own, perhaps with their favorite color or character, will encourage them to keep up their brushing routine.

3. Serve Milk & Water

oral hygieneGet your kids in the habit of drinking water and milk as their regular beverages. Traditional milk provides calcium and protein that fortifies children’s teeth and growing bones and contains other vitamins and minerals the body needs. Water is essential for overall health, so give it to your kids along with fresh fruit instead of sugary juices and drinks.

4. Avoid Fruit Juices & Sodas

Fruit juices and sweet drinks are major causes of tooth decay, so avoid serving them to your children. Sodas and carbonated waters contain sugars and acids that eat away at tooth enamel and make teeth more prone to cavities.


If you’re looking for a dentist with years of experience in family dentistry, contact Tohill Dentistry in Somerset, KY. Dedicated to providing high-quality oral hygiene and dental care for children and adults, Dr. Taylor Tohill makes patients’ health and satisfaction his top priorities. Using the latest technology and treatments, he relieves pain and discomfort while improving your smile and oral health. Explore the practice’s services online, and make an appointment by calling (606) 679-4450.
