
On a property where soil conditions aren’t adequate or there isn’t enough space, an onsite aerobic septic system is the best option. It consists of a trash tank, treatment tank, and pump tank. Wastewater settles in the first part and waste moves to the central zone for aerobic treatment. After it’s broken down, it moves to the pump compartment, where any remaining contaminants are removed. Here’s what you should know about caring for this intricate system.


Use drains carefully.

onsite aerobic septic systemProtect an onsite aerobic septic system by watching what you pour down the drains and toilets. Chemical agents, such as paints and pesticides, can kill off much of the bacteria that treat the waste in the tank. Avoid flushing anything except waste and toilet paper, as other materials may not break down properly and could cause blockages.

Mind the alarm.

An aerobic system uses an aeration device, typically an air compressor or pump, to oxygenate the treatment tank. When the alarm goes off, it’s usually a sign that the aeration device has failed or there’s too much water inside the tank.

If your compressor or pump is accessible, you can check to make sure that it’s on. Otherwise, have a repair technician assess the water level.


Plant vegetation nearby.

Shrubs and trees could pose threats to the septic system. Many types of vegetation have deep root systems that go in search of the nearest water source. When they’re situated in the vicinity of a septic unit, they can infiltrate the system and cause motor breakage, broken pipes, and clogs.

Plant trees at least 30 feet away, and use only grass over the system.

Overwhelm the system.

Avoid overwhelming the unit with too much water at once. Limiting consumption throughout the house will prevent equipment strain, which could shorten the lifespan of your device.

Avoid washing laundry and dishes multiple times a day. Instead of doing frequent loads, fill the appliances to capacity and wash less often. You can also install low-flow fixtures to reduce waste.

Are you seeking a reliable maintenance technician for your onsite aerobic septic system? Turn to the team at Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY. They offer a wide range of services, including septic inspections, repairs, and cleaning. If you experience a problem with the unit, they’ll determine the issue and provide the right solution. Visit their website for more information, or call (585) 467-2550 to schedule an appointment.
