
A septic tank is an efficient way for many businesses to deal with the wastewater that leaves their premises. However, unlike a residential tank, those used for commercial purposes must often be pumped and cleaned more frequently to ensure they remain in excellent condition. If you aren’t sure when to schedule this maintenance, here are a few signals to look out for.

How to Tell It’s Time to Pump Your Septic Tank

1. Slow Draining Sinks

When the tank is nearing capacity, it can take water longer than normal to fully drain through sinks in the bathroom or eating area. If the tank isn’t emptied soon after this point, raw sewage could back up into the line and your office building. You might also see consistent puddles of water near where the septic system and drain field are located. 

2. Foul Odor Emanating From Drains

septic tankAs the scum and sludge layers inside the tank become thicker, the smelly gasses they emit can start to drift up through the pipes and into your office. If you notice a sewage smell coming from your toilets or drains, check around the building and the drain field to see if it worsens. Take quick measures to correct this issue, as it can be a health violation.

3. It’s Time

Most septic tanks should be pumped every one to three years. The frequency will depend on the size of your tank, the number of employees and customers that use your office, and the amount of wastewater produced each day. Scheduling annual inspections will help you determine how quickly the tank is filling.



Keep your business up to code by having the team at P & H Construction and Septic Service in Uncasville, CT, perform septic tank pumping at regular intervals. They provide septic maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairs for homes and businesses in New London County. Their licensed septic technicians are highly trained and available at all times of the day. Call (860) 848-8507 to schedule an appointment and their website to learn more about their offerings. 
