
Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to take control of your house, organize your shelves, and get ready for the year ahead. However, while many people clean their homes top to bottom, storage units are often overlooked, which is why they can get disorganized and dusty over time. If you’re gearing up for spring cleaning, below are some tips for tackling the storage unit.

How to Clean Your Storage Unit

1. Get Rid of Unwanted Items

Storage units tend to accumulate unwanted items over time or belongings you thought you wanted once upon a time. When spring cleaning, go through every box and set aside items you want to donate, discard, or sell. You might be surprised at how roomy your storage unit becomes when it only contains belongings you absolutely want to keep.

2. Sweep the Floor

storage unitDust and debris build up in corners and along walls, but they will also find their way into your boxes and clothes. After clearing out the entire unit, sweep or vacuum up any dirt, and keep an eye out for signs of insect activity.

3. Reorganize Your Belongings

Over the years, boxes near the bottom of stacks may start to buckle, while blankets and quilts can develop permanent creases. Instead of repacking everything where it was, rearrange stacks to redistribute the weight, refold blankets and clothing, and label each box.

4. Leave Out Some Kitty Litter

Unless your unit is climate-controlled, humidity will eventually wilt paper, warp wooden furniture, and corrode metal items. Leaving an open bag of kitty litter in the middle of the unit will help absorb much of the moisture, extending the life of your valuable belongings.


If you’re looking for a safe, secure place to keep old furniture, winter clothes, or even business supplies, contacts Continental Self Storage. With five locations throughout Richmond Hill, Savannah, and Rincon, GA, they proudly offer affordable storage units, each with 24/7 security and carefully managed climate control. Visit their website to find your nearest location, or call (912) 756-6279 to reach their location in Richmond Hill. To speak to someone at their Savannah office, call (912) 234-6277, or dial (912) 826-4668 to speak to a staff member in Rincon.
