
Found naturally in soil and rocks, asbestos is a type of mineral fiber that’s resistant to chemicals, electricity, and heat. Its properties made it a popular building material for decades until health risks associated with the fiber were discovered. Inhaling asbestos causes the fibers to lodge in the lungs, resulting in tissue inflammation, scarring, and abnormalities that can result in lung conditions, diseases, and cancer. If you notice these exposure symptoms, head to a health care professional.

How to Tell If You Were Exposed to Asbestos  

1. Chest Pain & Tightness

Since asbestos targets the lungs, many patients with exposure symptoms experience chest pain and tightness. Chest pain can occur when an individual has asbestosis, a lung condition that can cause permanent organ damage depending on the severity. The more scar tissue that builds up in the lungs because of asbestosis, the stiffer they become, causing chest tightness and pain when the affected person breathes.

2. Persistent Cough

health careLung tissue irritation and scarring cause patients to cough on a continual basis. The cough does not produce mucus and is therefore categorized as dry. It is a symptom of asbestosis, as well as mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer. A rare form of cancer, it can take symptoms 20 years or longer to manifest.

3. Shortness of Breath

Fluid buildup, tissue scarring, and other lung abnormalities from asbestos exposure make it difficult to breathe, especially in severe cases. Both mesothelioma and asbestosis cause shortness of breath that can make daily activities challenging.

4. Finger Clubbing

Asbestosis can cause the fingers and toes to club. The nails widen and become rounder, while the fingers and toes enlarge at their tips. Nails can also soften or start curving downward. Health care experts are still uncertain why clubbing occurs; however, the symptom is associated with other lung conditions including cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis in addition to asbestosis. 

If you believe you have asbestos exposure symptoms or have any other wellness issue you would like to address, make an appointment at Alaska Urgent Care. The health care center also accepts walk-ins and provides residents throughout Anchorage and the surrounding areas with a full suite of services, including immunizations, wound care, and X-rays. Call (907) 341-7757 today to schedule an appointment with the health care center or fill out a patient registration form online
