
Alcohol is a way for many adults to relax and indulge with friends and family. Alcohol tasting can be a hobby, as with craft beer and spirits, or you may have a glass of wine after work. However, when you drink frequently, your teeth could suffer. It’s important to understand the risks you’re taking when you drink. Taking the following dentist-approved preventive steps will ensure you can still enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage without sacrificing your oral health.

How Alcohol Impacts Your Teeth 

The most immediate effect is staining. The tannins in wines will seep into the porous enamel layer on each tooth and create discoloration. This happens with both white and red wine. Many beers can have the same effect. The dark barely and malts in ales, IPAs, and heavier brews stain similarly to tannins.

Poor drinking habits can also lead to enamel erosion, making your teeth more susceptible to decay. Acidic beers or spirits mixed with sugary soda or citrus will fuel decay-causing bacteria. Advanced enamel erosion can lead to root canal infections and other serious oral health issues.

Alcohol also dehydrates your body. Throughout the day, saliva creates a wash cycle in your mouth to remove lodged food and bacteria. When your mouth dries out from drinking alcohol, saliva can’t perform its job.

How to Protect Yourself

dentistEnjoying alcohol in moderation doesn’t have to be a problem for your teeth. Start by brushing your teeth before drinking. Sticky plaque and tarter will capture tannins and other stain-causing agents. By brushing, you'll remove them and also improve the appearance of your smile. You can further avoid staining by drinking through a straw to minimize exposure. It’s helpful to rinse your mouth after enjoying an alcoholic beverage, as well. 

Promote saliva production by drinking one glass of water per alcoholic beverage. After a night of drinking, make sure to brush and floss your teeth. You’ll remove lingering sugars and acids from alcoholic drinks so that you don’t damage your enamel. This will prevent cavities, eliminating an extra visit to the dentist. 


Trips to the dentist are another essential part of dental care. If you’re overdue for a cleaning, Dr. David K. Skeels can assist. Dr. Skeels proudly serves Rochester, NY, and the surrounding communities. He offers a wide scope of services, including dental tooth implants, root canal therapy, and general care. Call (585) 467-7000 to schedule an exam and visit his website to learn more about the practice. You can receive more dental care tips by following his practice on Facebook.
