
Because of the proximity of a basement to a home’s foundation, it’s vulnerable to water damage. When the ground at the base of your home becomes saturated with water after a heavy storm, water may seep inside, soak carpets, and cause mold to grow. Professional basement waterproofing is designed to prevent these troubles. Here are several ways treatment can provide reliable protection. 

Why Do You Need Basement Waterproofing?

1. Forms a Leak Barrier

Basements floors and walls are typically constructed with concrete that ranges between two to five inches in thickness. Groundwater may cause your home’s foundation to swell, triggering cracks. Basement waterproofing creates a strong barrier against water leaks and flooding. 

2. Lowers Energy Bills

When humidity builds up in your home, it can cause the heating and cooling system to work harder to keep your home comfortable. The extra power you consume results in higher energy bills. If your basement is waterproofed, it helps reduce humidity levels and lessens the strain on HVAC systems, resulting in lower energy expenditures for you. 

3. Prevents Mold

waterproofingWhen excessive moisture and cold air combine, mold may start to appear on basement surfaces. The spores will not only damage furniture, furnishings, and surfaces but also cause sneezing, coughing, and irritating respiratory infections. A professional basement waterproofing service eliminates damp conditions and helps keep basement spaces dry and safe.

4. Protects the Foundation

Over time, water seepage causes your home’s foundation to deteriorate. The damage can cause floors and walls to buckle and affect structural joints and edges. Basement waterproofing stops water seepage from occurring and protects your home’s foundation from dangerous and costly structural damage.


Basement waterproofing is a proactive solution against leaks and flooding. Cook Waterproofing in Cincinnati, OH, provides services to keep your home safe, clean, and dry. Their teams of experienced and licensed contractors use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques designed to accommodate your unique needs To learn more about protecting your residence, call (513) 486-6676, or visit their website to learn more about how they’ll help keep your basement dry.
