
Gum disease impacts nearly 50% of American adults. Left untreated, it can cause serious oral health issues, including permanent tooth loss. The great news is that with the help of regular visits to the dentist, periodontal disease is largely preventable. Find out what you can do to protect your smile below.

5 Steps to Preventing Gum Disease

1. Brush Your Teeth

Gum disease is characterized by inflammation of the gums, usually due to bacterial infection. Thorough oral hygiene keeps these harmful bacteria at bay. Brush your teeth morning and night with a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least two minutes each time. 

2. Floss

dentistsFlossing reaches spots between your teeth that a toothbrush can’t access. For the best results, hold the thread taut with one end wrapped around each index finger. Wrap the floss around the tooth in a C-shape as you work it up and down. If you can't master the habit, talk to your dentist about trying a floss holder or water flosser.

3. Eat a Gum-Healthy Diet

Your nutrition impacts every part of your body. You may already be aware that calcium is important to building strong teeth and bones, for example. When it comes to nurturing soft gum tissues, vitamins A and C—found in foods like carrots and citrus, respectively—are essential.

4. Quit Smoking

According to the CDC, smokers are twice as likely to get gum disease as non-smokers. Because the chemicals in cigarettes leave your mouth more susceptible to bacteria and plaque buildup, smokers who do get gum disease are also more vulnerable to tooth loss.

5. See Your Dentist

Your dentist can recognize symptoms of gingivitis—which can develop into periodontal disease—before you realize them yourself. If caught early, gingivitis can be reversed through these lifestyle changes.

If you’re among the 50% who have gum disease, however, seeing a dentist is still vital. With deep cleanings such as root planing and scaling, the effect of periodontitis can be managed.


Larry G. Hubbard, DDS, provides comprehensive dental care to the Statesboro, GA, community. Dr. Hubbard and his team believe in straightforward communication and will provide detailed preventive care guidelines on how to maintain a healthy smile. They break down the details of every procedure—and its related costs—for you in advance, ensuring you don't encounter any unwelcome surprises. Established in 1978, this dental practice is known for its friendly staff, top-quality service, and wide range of procedures, from same-day crowns to root canals. Visit their website to review their treatment offerings. For a dentist appointment, call (912) 764-9891.
