
Your child's dental care routine when will influence the health and strength of their adult teeth. When they chip a tooth, it can be concerning. What you and the dentist will do to address the issue will vary based on the type of tooth. Use the guide below to decide what to do in these situations. 

What to Do if If They Chip a Baby Tooth

If your child has chipped a baby tooth, gently rinse their mouth with salted water, then use an ice pack to minimize swelling and discomfort. If you find the broken piece, save it in a wet paper towel or small amount of milk. 

dentistCall the dentist to have the child’s tooth checked and bring the broken piece. The dentist will see if the tooth has been knocked crooked or has had its nerves exposed, which can lead to problems when the adult tooth erupts or increase the risk of decay. The dentist may take an X-ray to determine the angle of the tooth and the severity of the chip. They’ll need to reposition a crooked tooth, and if you brought the fragment with you, they might be able to cement it back in place to protect the underlying tissues. 

If the chip is minor, there may not be any further action needed. For more severe chips where you don’t have the fragment, bonding will protect the area until the tooth naturally comes out. Bonding is the process of using dental material to restore the tooth’s original shape.

What to Do if They Chip a Permanent Tooth

If your child has damaged a permanent tooth, they need an emergency dental visit. Take the same steps as above before the appointment to clean the area, minimize swelling, and save the fragment. 

The dentist may take X-rays and reposition the tooth if needed. Sometimes, trauma can cause damage to the blood vessels or nerves, so X-rays will allow the dentist to prevent potential complications. Since the tooth is permanent, the dentist will have to restore its original shape. They may remove a small amount of enamel to place a crown over the spot, covering the entirety of the surface up to the gum line. You might need to schedule a checkup.


Does your child need urgent dental care? The team at La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry in La Crosse County, WI, offers gentle pediatric dental care, including prompt emergency care. With over 10 years of experience, their staff performs digital X-rays, dental crowns, and bonding. They accept most major insurances. You can learn more about their services online, or call (608) 782-4054 to schedule an emergency appointment.
