
Rain showers feed your lawn and garden, but when water doesn’t have a place to go, it can pool and cause problems in your home or yard. Drainage issues can lead to mud, mosquito breeding, and even foundation problems, which is why it pays to spot issues early. Here are three common landscape drainage issues you should watch out for. 

Drainage Problems That Frequently Cause Property Issues

1. Improper Grading

When it rains, your land should be graded so water moves away from your home, not toward it. Unfortunately, some homes are on lots that are graded improperly. To correct this problem, you may need to work with a landscaper to have your lot regraded. Fill materials can create a better slope that angles away from your house, protecting your foundation and home from flooding. 

2. Damaged Downspouts 

drainageThe role of a downspout is to transport water from your roof out to your yard. However, if downspouts are incorrectly installed or damaged, they could allow water to be deposited in one place, causing pooling water. Check your gutters and downspouts frequently and have issues repaired as soon as you notice them. 

3. Poor Flower Bed Placement

While flower beds and shrubs planted around your house can create beautiful curb appeal, they can also cause drainage issues. As plants are watered, it could lead to pooling water, making it easy for mosquitoes to breed and wreak havoc on your property.

When you plant a garden, focus on keeping plants, trees, and shrubs away from the immediate exterior perimeter of your foundation. Be proactive with what beds you do have by minimizing standing water and working with a landscaper to optimize water usage.


If you suspect landscape drainage problems around your yard, turn to Buckeye Lawn and Landscaping/Oheil Irrigation Company for help. Since its inception in 1981, this trusted team has been committed to helping home and business owners beautify and protect their property, creating lush and healthy landscapes. To learn more about what they can do for your property, visit their website or give their Dayton, OH, office a call at (937) 432-9911.
