
Children bring unique happiness and a sense of wonder into your life. While infertility may sound like you’ll never have a child of your own, there are treatments available to solve the issue. With help, you and your partner will increase your chances of welcoming a new baby into this world.

What Causes Fertility Difficulties?

1. Age

All couples should seek out an infertility test if they have not become pregnant after one year. However, in some cases, age can also play a role. Those between the ages of 35 and 40 should seek out testing if they haven’t been able to conceive after six months.

2. Penis & Testicle Disorders

infertilityMale infertility occurs when they are unable to ejaculate. This is known as delayed ejaculation, and it can be caused by low thyroid hormones or low testosterone.

Depression and medications can cause both delayed ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

While testicles are spongy and capable of absorbing trauma, they can still sustain damage. When injured or inflamed, they can cause infertility if not properly treated.

3. Thyroid Conditions

Since hormones are related to the thyroid, fluctuating thyroid levels can affect the chances of conception. Ongoing issues are often connected to infertility, miscarriage, and abnormal development of the fetal brain.

However, thyroid conditions are very common. With regular monitoring and medication, your thyroid numbers will stabilize, making conception easier.

4. Previous Sexually Transmitted Infections

When chlamydia or gonorrhea isn’t treated, it can form pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This infection affects the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes, causing pain and infertility.

Like thyroid conditions, PID is very common and is treated with medication.

5. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes infrequent or prolonged menstrual cycles. The condition makes pregnancy more difficult as it forms fluid around the ovaries. Women with PCOS may not release eggs on a regular basis.

Sometimes, ovulation won’t occur at all, requiring medication to help boost the ovulation process. PCOS is sometimes a lifelong condition, but it is treatable through medications. Hormones are also available to increase fertility.


If you’re struggling with infertility, in-vitro fertilization could bring a bundle of joy into your life. IVF Hawaii in Honolulu is committed to helping couples achieve their dreams of having their own child. Using the most advanced technology available, they have the highest rate of IVF success in Hawaii. Dr. Benton Chun leads their medical and laboratory departments and has over 25 years of experience as an OB-GYN. Reach out to him at (808) 538-6655. For more information on their services, including guided embryo transfers, visit their website.
