
Chiropractors treat many spinal conditions that are apparent in different areas of your body. A sports injury, for example, may require spinal realignment even if you feel pain elsewhere since much of patients’ pain points back to their spinal health. Below are a couple of conditions that chiropractors can effectively treat.

4 Treatable Conditions

1. Migraines

Migraines can prevent you from working and are characterized by severe pain in your head, nausea, losing patches of sight, sensitivity to sounds and light, blurry vision, and dizziness. If you suffer from the occasional migraine, you might need a spinal alignment.

However, if you suffer from chronic migraines, you might need spinal decompression therapy. This noninvasive procedure increases the space between your vertebrae and removes compression around your nerves. Your blood vessels will flow at full force again, allowing your nervous system to function and alleviating migraine headaches. 

2. Sciatica

Sciatica usually appears as consistent pain in one buttock and down that same leg. This nerve pain produces inflammation in the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. Since the nerve is so big, it can produce intense pain, numbness, tingling, or burning.

sports injuryA chiropractic adjustment can realign the spine and take the pressure off of your sciatic nerve. This relieves pain while also healing the nerve. Your chiropractor can also provide exercises to limit the pain and possibly eliminate it.

3. Sports Injury

Sports injuries, if not treated, can quickly become chronic issues. A few examples include tennis elbow, rotator cuff pain, knee injuries, and pulled muscles. Chiropractors can start you on a rehabilitation program to care for your injury and manage the pain. If you seek help at the first notice of discomfort, you may solve your problem and improve your form and endurance in the associated sport.

4. Car Accident Injuries

You should visit the chiropractor after a car accident. Whether or not you feel pain, you might have injured your spine or suffer from whiplash. Injuries from car accidents sometimes take a few days to develop. If you visit a chiropractor for corrective care, you can stop your injuries from becoming worse. They can adjust your body to decrease any swelling or spasming, which allows for a quicker recovery and long-term relief.


If you suffer from chronic pain, sports injuries, or the above conditions, visit The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati in Hamilton County, OH. Serving the Greater Cincinnati area for over 30 years, Dr. Mark Korchok and his team offer spinal decompression, physical therapy, general adjustments, and more. Call (513) 677-2200 for an appointment. Learn more about their services online.
