
When you run a business, IT support is often necessary to help employees manage technology and maintain computer and phone systems. As your company grows and you hire new staff members, the following email security recommendations will help ensure your data protection. 

Top Email Security Tips

1. Create a Strong Password

Having a strong and complicated password is your first line of defense against hackers and a data breach. When setting up a company email address, encourage users to create a unique password that contains both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation.

2. Avoid Public Wi-Fi

IT SupportIT support teams are quick to remind employees to avoid public Wi-Fi. These connections are not as secure as your business internet, making your phone or computer more susceptible to hacking. 

3. Educate Staff on Phishing Scams

Phishing has become incredibly nuanced and advanced as scammers work to improve their success rate. During the onboarding process, educate employees on common phishing tactics. When receiving emails that appear legitimate, encourage staff to double-check links and URLs. Remind your employees that banks and even your HR department will not request critical information such as social security numbers and account details to be submitted online. 

4. Beware of Unsolicited Attachments

When conducting business, you may receive a variety of email attachments from co-workers and clients. Make sure you know the sender before opening or downloading an attachment. If you don’t recognize the sender, scan for viruses before clicking on it. 


If you’re looking for personalized IT support from a trusted business internet and telecommunications company, contact the experts at Insight Direct. Based out of Hillsborough, NC, this experienced team of IT specialists has helped small businesses throughout Orange County and the surrounding regions thrive with the help of reliable technology. To learn more about their services, call (919) 245-7881. For more information on their commitment to customer satisfaction, visit their website
