
With a manufacturing company’s emphasis on creating various products from raw materials using machinery and skilled labor, communication is key. By installing a Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP phone system helps the company function smoothly. The following guide will explain how VoIP can to help businesses as busy and multifaceted as manufacturing companies stay organized.

How VoIP Can Help Manufacturing Companies

1. Ease of Use

Having a VoIP network helps facilitate and manage voice communication on a huge scale, rather than being limited to various landlines. Luckily, this process is not complex to use — you just need to learn a few additional buttons that are clearly labeled.

It’s also easy for an IT support team to integrate it with more complex technology, such as company-wide security systems. If your manufacturing company has many departments, each with several sub-departments, this simplicity is crucial.

2. Better Security 

Manufacturing companies also often contain rooms with hazardous machines and materials for production, quality control, and shipping, as well as confidential client information, so limiting public access is essential. Only certified machinists and assembly workers should be able to enter the production room, for example, and the shipping warehouse must be limited to trained specialists.

With a VoIP phone system, a receptionist or operator could easily communicate with employees at various portals and ensure that they only gain access to places for which they’re qualified. 

3. Enhanced Communication 

VoIP phone systemA thriving manufacturing company often has numerous departments, including customer support, accounting, administration, sales, planning, design, production, quality control, and shipping, to name a few. When a client calls, VoIP makes it simple to reach the department or individual they need, since they can choose an option or extension number that can take them there directly.

They can skip the step of speaking with a receptionist or operator while still having that option available if necessary. Because the connection is made through an internet connection, you can even have calls automatically transferred to your cell phone if you’re not at your desk.

A VoIP phone system also makes communication more efficient by allowing operators to make loud, clear announcements plant-wide or limit them to certain rooms or individuals. They can even give messages to several plants at the same time because the system operates through an IP address rather than a landline. 

If you’re ready to see how a VoIP phone system will benefit your manufacturing company, contact Insight Direct in Hillsborough, NC. With experience acting installing and maintaining phone systems for over 60 companies, they’re devoted to providing you with customized setups and IT services to answer questions and keep your business working smoothly. For more information, call (919) 245-7881 or message them online
