
When your teeth are sensitive, the practice of brushing, flossing, chewing, and drinking can cause ongoing discomfort. Luckily, your dentist can help you find solutions to lessen pain and improve your dental health. Here are a few suggestions they might recommend.

How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

1. Schedule a Teeth Cleaning Appointment

To better understand the underlying cause of tooth sensitivity, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

A proper evaluation may include questions regarding your diet and sleep habits. This will help your dental team determine if your sensitivity is a result of tooth decay, gum disease, teeth grinding and clenching your jaw at night, daily habits, or a highly acidic diet.

They will also perform a deep cleaning to get rid of bacteria and tartar in the mouth that may contribute to tooth decay.

2. Amend Your Oral Hygiene Routine

dentistMany dental patients experience tooth sensitivity due to their oral hygiene regimen. Consider swapping your toothbrush for one with softer bristles. Use a lighter touch to avoid gum irritation and ask your dentist about special toothpaste options that help desensitize teeth and block pain. 

3. Fluoride Treatment

When tooth sensitivity is caused by weak or thin enamel, fluoride treatment at your dentist's office is an excellent course of action. This substance strengthens your enamel so your teeth are protected against outside forces, such as hot and cold foods and drinks. 

4. Root Canal Therapy

When eating and drinking cause severe pain and alternative treatments are ineffective, it may be indicative of a cavity, in which case, your dentist may recommend root canal therapy. By cleaning and decontaminating your tooth’s interior pulp, you’ll experience less discomfort and pain moving forward. 


Are you struggling with tooth sensitivity? If so, the experienced team at King Campbell, DDS, PLLC will help. With a state-of-the-art facility in Pagosa Springs, CO, residents throughout Archuleta County can depend on this dentist for lifelong preventative care. To schedule your first appointment, call today at (970) 731-2126. For more information about their offerings, visit their website
