
If you’ve noticed an increase in your heating bills, but haven’t changed your furnace use lately, there could be a few common causes. Learning more about these secondary causes can help you identify the issue in your system and work with an HVAC contractor to keep heating costs low. Explore a few problematic HVAC habits below.

Why Is Your Heating Bill Going Up?

1. Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Routine upkeep helps prevent heating system inefficiencies and breakdowns. During a system check, an HVAC contractor will replace the dirty filter and lubricate mechanical components to reduce friction so the system doesn’t have to work as hard. This helps improve efficiency and lower energy costs.

2. Failing to Seal Air Leaks 

HVAC contractorCold outside air can seep into your home through cracks and gaps around your windows and doors. When this happens, your furnace or heat pump has to work harder to compensate and maintain the thermostat temperature. Place weather-stripping around doors and windows and seal holes in the infrastructure with caulk. This will eliminate drafty areas and prevent warmer inside air from escaping. 

3. Turning Off the Heat Before Leaving

Surprisingly, shutting down the system before you leave home can cause your heating costs to rise. That’s because going from warming your house from the outside temperature to a comfortable setting consumes a lot of energy quickly. To avoid this problem, install a programmable thermostat that can adjust the temperature accordingly throughout the day for more efficient heating.


For heating system repair to improve efficiency and performance, contact the HVAC contractors at Pioneer Heating & Cooling, Inc. in Kalispell, MT. Serving clients in the Flathead Valley region since 2012, these HVAC contractors boast over a century of combined experience. This makes them qualified to solve issues with gas, geothermal, propane, and electric equipment. See service details online and call (406) 309-2397 for an appointment.
