
Mowing the lawn seems like a simple chore, but when it’s done incorrectly, you may be leaving your turf vulnerable to disease, weeds, and other problems. To keep your grass green and healthy, keep these lawn mowing tips in mind.

How to Mow the Lawn so It Stays Healthy

1. Don’t Cut the Grass Too Short

Cutting the grass too short leaves it vulnerable to weeds. Short grass exposes more soil, allowing weeds to sprout. Additionally, over trimming reduces a blade of grass’ food supply. It also causes water to evaporate too quickly, drying out the turf.

The ideal length varies by grass type. Warm-season grasses found in Hawaii typically need to be cut to .75 to 3 inches tall. As a rule of thumb, never cut more than a third of the grass at once.

2. Avoid Cutting Wet Grass

turfCutting grass when it’s wet will cause the mower to leave ruts and tear the turf. The grass itself isn't hurt when it’s cut wet, but the clippings will clump together, clogging the mower deck and creating uneven cuts. If the clubs are left behind on the lawn, they’ll keep water and sun from reaching the grass, causing bare spots.

3. Vary Mowing Patterns

Always mowing the grass in the same direction can create permanent tracks in the lawn and cause the grass to grow in one direction. For healthy grass, vary your mowing pattern every time, switching between vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.

4. Keep Your Blades Sharp

When grass is cut with a dull mower, it tears the blades instead of slicing them. This stresses the plant and causes the tops to turn brown. It can also make the grass more vulnerable to pests and disease. To ensure clean cuts and healthy grass, sharpen your mower blades regularly, and avoid going over rocks or tree roots, which will dull them.

5. Mow on Cloudy Days

Mowing during the hottest part of the day puts stress on your turf, making it difficult for the grass to recover because it loses more water. To protect the grass, mow when it’s cloudy or wait until the later part of the day when the sun isn’t directly overhead. If your yard gets shade throughout the day, mow when most of the grass is shaded.


A beautiful yard begins with high-quality turf. For healthy, green grass that remains free of weeds, turn to the team at Alii Turf on Oahu, HI. Choose from five varieties of locally grown turf and sod and turn even the most unsightly yard into a lush, green oasis. Call (808) 293-8873 to request a quote or schedule an appointment, and visit them online to learn more about their products. 
