
Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease occurs when gum tissues become inflamed and recede from excessive bacteria within plaque and tartar buildup, leaving tooth roots exposed. Without treatment from a dentist, it causes bone loss that can eventually lead to tooth loss because there is no longer enough bone left to keep teeth in place. Learn more about this condition below so you can take better care of your oral health.

What to Know About Gum Disease

What are the risk factors?

Lack of oral hygiene increases your risk of gum disease, as well as your risk of tooth decay due to build-ups of bacteria, acids, plaque, and tartar in the mouth. Tobacco use also irritates gum tissue and encourages recession.

Pregnancy increases a woman’s progesterone levels and that promotes mouth bacteria growth, as does diabetes because of high blood sugar levels and decreased immunity. Other diseases that affect the immune system, such as HIV, also increase your chances because the body cannot fight the bacterial infection as easily.

What are the symptoms?

Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease is easily reversible.  It includes symptoms such as red, swollen, and bleeding gums. As it morphs into periodontitis, you may experience gum recession due to the bone loss, persistent bad breath, separating or loose teeth, pus draining from between the teeth and gums, mouth sores, and tender gums.

dentistHow is it treated?

Dentists create treatment plans based on the disease’s severity. This may include Scaling and Root Planing that deep-cleans tooth roots below the gumline or bone and gum grafting surgery to restore lost tissue.

What can I do to prevent it?

Healthy habits such as twice-daily brushing, once-daily flossing, quitting smoking, enjoying a balanced diet, and seeing the dentist every six months keeps the disease from developing.

Dry mouth increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay because there isn’t enough saliva to wash away acids and plaque. Therefore, drink plenty of water during and between meals.

Check your gums every time you floss and schedule a visit with your dentist immediately if you notice continual inflammation (redness), bleeding, or another issue, such as tissue tenderness. 


If you think you have gingivitis or gum disease or it’s time for your next teeth cleaning and checkup, contact Comfort Center for Dentistry in Comfort, TX. Lead by Dr. Kendra Wren, this practice offers general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services for the whole family to residents of Kendall County, including Boerne and Kerrville. Visit the website to learn more about their offerings. Then, call (830) 995-5047 to make an appointment. Like the dentist on Facebook to add dental health tips to your feed. 
