
Lost keys are common, and especially frustrating when they prevent you from accessing your vehicle. Since car keys are small, it’s often difficult to trace them when you don’t remember when you left them. Here are some suggestions that might help you avoid this issue. 

How to Prevent Lost Keys

1. Create a Designated Zone

It’s much easier to misplace your keys if you always store them in different places. If you have a habit of tossing them on any surface when you get home, place a basket or container in your entryway to specifically hold your keys. You can also make a sign for the basket so you’re more likely to use it. Once this becomes a normal part of your routine, you’ll always know where to look if you can’t find them.

2. Use a Large Keychain

Charlotte, NC lost keysIf you use a large, conspicuous accessory for your keychain, it will be easier to keep track of. A bulky keychain may also help prevent keys from entering drains if you drop them.

If you prefer to have a sleek keychain, try an option that’s slim but weighty, like a large metal key ring. 

3. Take Advantage of Technology

Technological advancements have made it simpler than ever to do just about everything, including monitoring your belongings. You can attach a Bluetooth tracker to your keychain, which works like a GPS for your keys. If you misplace them, use the associated app on your phone to track it, or activate its alarm so you can hear and find it. 


If you do lose your car keys, call AAL Lock & Key Inc. Proudly serving clients throughout Charlotte, NC, and the surrounding counties, these locksmiths help you during an auto lockout. They also replace standard and smart lost keys. Visit them online to learn more about their work with vehicles, or call (704) 458-7097 to request assistance during a lockout. 
