
When an elderly loved one is dealing with mobility difficulties, it helps to provide care and support. Fortunately, your options to do so are numerous. They might need help with housekeeping, personal care, transportation service, or other tasks. Below are some tips to help you care for a family member or friend who no longer gets around as well as they used to. 

3 Ways to Help a Loved One With Mobility Trouble

1. Help Keep the House Clean

Seniors with mobility issues might have trouble cleaning their house. Dusting high shelves could prove impossible, and even vacuuming might be difficult. Your assistance in this area could prove invaluable.

Transportation service in Aiken, SCAdditionally, by helping eliminate clutter—such as picking up items off the floor and discarding old newspapers and magazines—you make it easier for your loved one to navigate their home. This is particularly important if they use a walker or are confined to a wheelchair.

2. Modify the House

In addition to removing clutter, you can make life easier for someone with mobility problems by making minor home modifications. Secure rugs to the floor with double-sided tape so they don't bunch up and trip them. Mount a banister next to any steps that don't have one. Install grab bars in the bathroom near the toilet and bathtub. Make sure all entrances and hallways have bright bulbs that provide adequate illumination.

3. Provide Transportation Service

Many seniors no longer have the ability to drive. This leaves them housebound, feeling confined, and unable to complete simple errands. Offer transportation to and from the store, take them for doctor visits and tests, and help them run any other errands they have. If you’re unavailable to act as a chauffeur or their mobility issues make using your vehicle impossible, you can hire a professional transportation service to give them a lift.


If you have a loved one in need, contact MDL Transportation in Aiken, SC. They serve clients in both North and South Carolina and have been the region's premier non-emergency medical transportation company since 2009. In addition to patient and disability transportation, they also operate bus and shuttle services. Learn more about the company on their website or call (803) 567-3444 to arrange transportation service.
