
As a plumber, part of your job is to teach clients how to better use their plumbing systems. One such improvement might be to switch to low-flow fixtures, which can come in the form of faucets, showerheads, and toilets. If you’re wondering how to encourage a client to upgrade to these models, here are a few facts to tell them.

3 Benefits of Low-Flow Plumbing Fixtures

1. Keep a Septic System Working Properly

If your client’s home relies on a septic system, they’ll have to take measures to minimize water consumption. If they send too much liquid to the tank, it could overwork the unit and result in breakdowns. 

With low-flow fixtures, residents can continue to flush toilets, take long showers, and wash multiple laundry loads without worrying about placing strain on their waste management equipment. 

2. Lower Water Bills

If they use municipal water lines, homeowners will have lower monthly bills if they use less water.

plumbingWhile the standard toilet uses around 1.6 gallons for every flush, a low-flow version may only use 1.3 gallons. Over the course of a year, your clients could save hundreds of dollars by switching to more efficient fixtures.

3. Protect the Environment

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awards WaterSense® labels to low-flow fixtures. These must meet strict guidelines to qualify for this certification.

By replacing standard faucets with certified low-flow models, a family saves at least 30% of water with no effect on performance. A low-flow toilet uses 20% less water. Since only 0.5% of the water on Earth is safe for drinking, a homeowner’s efforts to use less available resources will benefit the entire planet. 


If you want to develop a career in the plumbing industry, enroll at Berk Trade & Business School in Long Island City, NY. For 80 years, this accredited institution has helped students gain confidence in their abilities and head out into the workforce with enthusiasm. Learn more about the career assistance they offer on their website, or call (718) 729-0909 to ask questions about the admissions process.
