
Inside your body is an incredible network of channels working to transport vital blood supply to where it’s needed. One key organ involved in the process is the heart. This super muscle pumps blood into arteries and veins. When the amount of force is elevated, an unhealthy condition known as high blood pressure occurs. Family doctors share the following guide on what causes the diagnosis, why high blood pressure is dangerous, and how levels can be safely lowered. 

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

When the heart has to work harder than usual to move blood throughout the body, pressure levels will typically increase. There are a number of factors that can trigger elevated blood pressure. Some of the more common ones are being overweight and consuming large amounts of alcohol. Family doctors also diagnose patients with high blood pressure due to smoking, eating salty foods, and lack of exercise. For some individuals, the condition may be linked to age, race, genetics, or having a family history.

Why Is It Dangerous?

family doctorsIf the heart has to constantly work overtime to move blood throughout the body, the stress will eventually take a toll. One of the outcomes is the buildup of LDL cholesterol, which is considered the bad form, in the body’s arteries. Over time, this accumulation clogs arteries and can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Other dangerous conditions that may be linked to high blood pressure include diabetes and kidney disease. If not treated by a family doctor or specialist, a person increases their chances of experiencing heart attacks and strokes. 

How Can It Be Lowered?

By making a few changes in your daily lifestyle, you can safely lower your blood pressure. Changing your diet is a good start. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of salty or processed foods. Exercising for a minimum of 90 minutes each week and reducing alcohol consumption can also improve your levels. Annual checkups with a family doctor can help identify any health alerts and treat them right away through medication and other options. 



The professional and compassionate team at HDR Healthcare Network specializes in preventative care, including the treatment of high blood pressure. Based in the Bronx, NY, the medical center’s bilingual family doctors take the time to discuss the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re seeking a primary care physician who offers affordable service and personalized attention and treatment, call (929) 256-5005 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website for information on urgent care and walk-in-service.
