
As spring draws near, you may worry that job recruitment will be next to impossible to achieve as your employees go on break. Employees may spread their breaks apart, so you may be lacking a full hiring staff for a long period of time. Fortunately, as long as you keep in mind some helpful information about hiring at this time of year, you can ensure that you’re in a position to get the help you need. 

Is Hiring Harder During Spring Break Season? 

With vacations being so common during this time of year, many companies try to counterbalance the loss of manpower by saving money on job recruitment costs. However, this doesn’t mean that hiring must stop altogether during spring break. In fact, since business will likely pick up again after the break is over, and the employees return, this time could be an excellent opportunity to get a head start on an impending hiring rush. 

What Can You Do to Continue Hiring This Time of Year? 

job recruitment

Contact the individuals who applied during or before this season, keeping track of those who follow up with a phone call or email to reiterate their interest. With statistically fewer candidates reaching out to you this time of year, these candidates will easily stand out, suggesting that they could make promising new hires. You can schedule interviews with them during the break or begin the onboarding process as it ends. 

If nothing else, spring break is an ideal time to post job listings and allow a flood of applications to arrive in response. Even if you can’t contact any candidates until later, at least you will have increased your odds of finding someone suitable to contact in the first place. 


The job recruitment process can be intimidating or overwhelming at any time of year, not just spring break, which is why you should contact Work USA, Inc. in Lincoln, NE. With more than 20 years of experience in successful talent inquisition and staffing solutions, they’ll help you through every step of the hiring process, from creating job listings to sorting through potential applicants to conducting interviews. To find out more about their services, call them today at (402) 474-9675 or message them online
