
An ingrown toenail is a common condition in which the edge or corner of the toenail starts growing into the skin. This can create constant discomfort and, if left alone, may become infected. If you’ve noticed the redness, swelling, or pain of an ingrown toenail, act quickly and work with your podiatrist to avoid more serious issues down the line.

Home Care

When you first notice the nail growing into your skin, you may be able to address it yourself if you act quickly. Sprinkle some Epsom salt in warm water and soak your toe in it for 15 minutes several times a day. This minimizes pain and swelling, which can help your toe recover.

podiatristAlso, wear loose or open-toed shoes that don’t put any pressure on the toe, and apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent or minimize infection. If the pain is becoming unmanageable, over-the-counter numbing creams can help.

Seeing Your Podiatrist

When the skin around your toenail becomes red and extremely sore or has pus oozing from the wound, it's likely infected. If you have an infection, or if your nail has continued growing inward after home treatment, it's time to see your podiatrist for an examination and treatment.

During this procedure, the doctor will numb your toe before removing some of the nail to give the tissue space to heal. If the issue is more serious, they may remove some of the nail bed as well.

To ensure your toe heals correctly, follow your podiatrist's aftercare instructions. This may include taking antibiotics or using a prescribed antibacterial ointment. For the first few days, you should also rest your foot as much as possible and keep it elevated when you’re sitting. Afterward, continue wearing comfortable shoes for a few weeks, and avoid strenuous activity during that time.


If you have an ingrown toenail, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist at High Point Foot Center in North Carolina. These skilled professionals have over 17 years of experience treating hammertoes, toenail fungus, and ingrown nails, so they’ll know just what to do to keep your feet healthy and comfortable. Learn more about common problems they treat on their website, or call (336) 882-2070 to schedule an appointment.
