
Hail can be a farmer’s worst nightmare, ruining an entire harvest in a matter of minutes. Hail damage is often irreversible, but there are some ways farmers can minimize their losses and potentially save their crops. If a hailstorm has ravaged your field, the tips below can help you recover.

How to Help Crops Affected by Hail Damage

1. Clean Up Debris

Large hailstorms can break branches and knock whole fruit off of trees, which can attract rodents and other pests. Start by throwing out any ruined fruits or vegetables, along with loose branches or leaves dislodged by the hail.

2. Trim or Removed Damaged Plants

hail damageCutting back branches and applying fungicide to the wounds can reduce the risk of infection. Plants that were only partially harmed by the storm can still be saved. Trim ruined leaves and stems to let the plants recover before harvest season. Once you’ve assessed the damage, go through and remove any plants that are too broken to save.

3. Fertilize After Spring Storms

Spring hailstorms are usually the most destructive, affecting seedlings as they’re just starting to develop their stems and leaves. Spreading a little fertilizer after a hailstorm can give plants the nutrients they need to recover and help replacement seedlings take root. Unfortunately, if the storm is later in the season, new plants won’t have time to regrow, even with added fertilizer. They’ll need to be removed instead.


With nearly 40 years of experience serving farmers throughout Lancaster and Gage Counties, Nebraska Crop Insurance Agency Inc. understands how destructive a hailstorm can be. Their experienced agents offer personal attention to every farmer to ensure their crops are protected from hail damage, fire, drought, and floods. Visit their website to learn how they can help protect your investments, follow their Facebook for more advice, or call (402) 223-2694 to speak with an agent.
