
Many people want to have and maintain a healthy smile with bright, white teeth. But when you eat and drink certain foods, you can dampen the charm of your pearly whites and require extra trips to the dentist. Consume the following in moderation, or avoid them altogether, to maintain a sparkling smile.

What Foods & Drinks Will Stain Your Teeth?

1. Coffee & Tea

Both coffee and tea are go-to beverages if you’re looking for a kick of caffeine. However, both beverages contain tannins— acidic polyphenols— that cause staining. Coffee is acidic, and thus alters the pH balance of your mouth, making your teeth more susceptible to damage from other acidic foods and drinks you consume.

With tea, different types will affect your teeth in different ways. For example, green tea might stain your teeth gray, while black tea stains them yellow. Proteins in milk attach to tannins in coffee and tea to prevent staining, so add some to your morning pick-me-up.

2. Acidic Foods

dentistFoods like berries, citrus fruits, and tomatoes are nutritious, but they take a toll on your smile. The acid eats away at your tooth enamel and exposes the dentin beneath. Dentin is a tissue made up of calcium and phosphate crystals, giving it a yellow color. If these items are a part of your daily diet, try cutting back or opting for foods— like apples and cauliflower— that are nutritious and clean your teeth while you eat them.

3. Sugary Treats

This one is no surprise — cookies, candies, and cake are all delicious, but the sugar clings to your teeth and bacteria feast on it. As they feast, they release acid that causes tooth decay. Eventually, this will cause dark stains and holes on your teeth.

Soda will damage your teeth enamel and cause cavities; even sugar-free sodas have unique acids that attack your teeth. Instead of sweets, reach for yogurt, an apple, or carrots. If you’ve got a persistent sweet tooth, try dark chocolate, which is lower in sugar, or sugar-free gum.


Safeguard your smile with Tri-Cities Dental in Colleyville, TX. For over 25 years, the reputable staff has helped customers maintain healthy, confident smiles. They pride themselves on their service, building lasting relationships with clients by keeping them comfortable and informed. They provide customers with a range of services including routine cleaning, cosmetic dentistry services, teeth whitening, and extractions. To schedule an appointment, call (817) 283-3427. Visit their website for more information on their dental services.
