
Chemical face peels remove top layers of skin to reveal smoother complexions with fewer lines, scars, and sun damage. While they have remained one of the most popular non-invasive skin treatments, myths continue to surround the procedure. Review some of the most common myths below to help determine if a chemical peel is right for you.

4 Chemical Face Peel Myths Debunked

1. There’s No Difference Among Chemical Peels

Chemical peels vary to treat a patient’s needs. Superficial peels, for example, use mild alpha hydroxy acids to slough the skin’s outermost layer. The trichloroacetic or glycolic acids in medium peels penetrate the skin’s middle layer to remove skin cells damaged by UV light, tobacco, and other lifestyle and environmental agents. Deep peels utilize phenol or tricholoracetic acid to fully remove the middle layer of skin, which eliminates injured cells, causing pigmentation, acne scarring, and rough texture.

2. They’re Extremely Painful

chemical face peelsWhile reactions differ in light of skin sensitivity, mild peels rarely cause discomfort. Medium and deep peels can cause stinging sensations; however, dermatologists apply numbing agents to minimize pain. Today’s chemical face peels also use gentler acids compared to services from decades ago.

3. You Can Do Them at Home

Home chemical peels do not provide the same results as those performed in dermatology offices and can cause adverse reactions if they are applied incorrectly or do not match your skin type or needs. Always go to a licensed dermatologist to prevent severe skin irritation and discoloration.

4. They Involve Serious Recovery Time

Superficial and medium peels heal in four to seven days, while deep peels can take a month or longer to reveal clear, smooth skin. You may experience skin that is temporarily lighter or darker when you undergo a superficial peel or swelling and scabbing if you choose a medium peel. Deep peels also cause swelling during the healing process; however, your dermatologist will provide care instructions such as washing your face with a special cleanser and applying ice packs intermittently. 


Discuss the right chemical face peel for you with Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C., the licensed dermatologist serving Hartford, CT, and the surrounding areas. Offering age spot treatment, Botox®, and microdermabrasion, Dr. Daman and her staff combine state-of-the-art technology with personalized solutions. Call (860) 246-3533 to schedule an appointment or visit the team online for a complete list of services. 
