
Routine and detailed dental care ensures you have a bright smile, but it can also prevent cavities from forming. Despite popular opinion, anyone can get a cavity, from young children to the elderly. The guide below explains what you should look for if you suspect you have a cavity. 

What Causes Cavities?

Cavities are most often caused by poor dental care. Daily brushing and flossing remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth, which damage enamel over time. Neglecting twice-yearly teeth cleanings with your dentist is another common cause. Dentists use special tools to remove plaque and tartar, which is a hardened form of plaque that can’t be removed by brushing alone. Many dentists also offer fluoride treatments, which boost the strength of tooth enamel so that it’s less susceptible to decay. 

Diet is another factor to consider. Sugary drinks and treats provide food to oral bacteria, which then release acids as they feed. These acids are responsible for wearing down tooth enamel. Foods with a lot of carbohydrates can also lead to cavities since they are converted into sugars. 

How Can I Tell If I Have One?

dental careMost people aren’t aware they have a cavity until they experience certain symptoms. Toothaches, which occur when decay affects the nerves in the tooth, are the most common symptom. Pain and sensitivity are often most intense when biting down or eating something very hot or cold. 

Staining can also accompany cavities. Stains can be black, brown, or even white. If decay is particularly bad, you may notice holes or pits in the affected tooth. At this point, professional dental care should be sought immediately so that you can try to preserve the natural tooth. 


Undergoing regular check-ups with your dentist can help you identify cavities before they get worse. In Concord, NC, Stacy Lesley DDS, PLLC provides both preventative and restorative treatments to patients to ensure their smiles stay bright and healthy. As a full-service family practice, the staff goes above and beyond to make all patients feel at ease, no matter what type of procedure they’re undergoing. They also offer cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening and veneers. Schedule an appointment today by calling (704) 766-1488 or visit the website to request an appointment. 
