
Roofs in Missouri are subject to harsh UV rays from the sun during the majority of the year. Keeping your home cool during these conditions can be difficult, but applying roof coatings on your low slope or flat roof can help alleviate some of the damaging effects of the weather. Consider the following guide to determine whether acrylic or silicone coating is right for you.

A Guide to Roof Coating

1. Acrylic  

Acrylic is highly reflective against UV rays, making businesses and homes less expensive to cool in the summer. Since it is cost-effective and environmentally friendly due to its water base, you can save thousands of dollars on maintenance costs as both silicone and acrylic extend a roof's life expectancy a minimum of 10 years. Sheen remains throughout its ten year lifetime, and the application can be completed with one coat. On a flat roof, pooling water can become an issue because liquid won't dry quickly enough and may seep through the foundation.

2. Silicone

Silicone is more expensive, but it offers more milage, as the coating is thick and sticky. This can complicate applying the second coat, because you may require a solvent to clean it up if spilled. For addressing severe ponding water on flat roofs, silicone will hold the water in place until it drains or evaporates. Silicone is less environmentally friendly because it isn't bio-degradable, but it won't damage soil if it comes in direct contact with the substance. 

3. Process of Installation 

roof coatings St. Louis, MOAn inspection is done to see if saturated areas exist underneath the installation. Repairs on the surface of the roof are done first, while power washing to remove debris follows shortly after. A primer is installed, and seams of the restoration membrane, whether it's acrylic or silicone, are reinforced. Then, the roof coating is applied with a roller or spray, and a final inspection is performed to ensure the coat is applied evenly. The entire process takes 8-24 hours.

Whereas an entire roof installation requires you to leave home during the application, you can remain in your business or home while contractors apply roof coating. If possible, apply acrylic or silicone coatings when it's warm and sunny. Not only does it dry faster, but rain and other disruptive weather conditions won't interfere with the process.


If you're interested in roof coating and you have any questions regarding its process, contact ST Evans, Inc. in St. Louis, MO. This Fenton-based company offers estimates for its products, which include its commercial and residential contractor services. Since 1994, this LP® SmartSide®-certified team has provided reliable and cost-effective solutions for leaks and cracks. Call them today at (314) 267-4064 or visit them online to learn more.
