
Homeowners must keep their garage doors in the best shape to protect their houses and belongings. You should follow regular maintenance tasks to keep the mechanics and safety features working properly, as well as address exterior concerns so it continually looks its best. Here’s some advice for residential garage door maintenance.

How to Care for Garage Doors

1. Listen for Odd Noises

Garage doors should operate quietly, only giving off a soft hum as they open or close. If you hear screeching, the rollers may need replacement, or the nuts and bolts could require tightening. Contact a door repair team to inspect the sound and make adjustments to keep the system working for years to come.

2. Keep Them Clean

Over time, garage door opening mechanisms develop coatings of dust, dirt, and grease. This buildup can prevent the door from moving smoothly along the chains.

garage door Lancaster County NEUse a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the chain when the door is down. Then, apply spray lubricant to the springs and add garage door grease to the chains so the door moves efficiently. Use a hose and brush to wash off dirt, pollen, and debris from the exterior of the door to improve the home’s curb appeal.

3. Address Weatherstripping

Garage doors feature weatherstripping at the bottom and on the top near the trim. These removable features prevent water, debris, and air from entering the building. Assess these seals every month or two and replace them if you notice cracks or damage. Taking this precautionary step may keep pests from entering the garage and can improve energy efficiency by mitigating air exchange.

4. Promote Safety

Talk with your kids about where to stand when the door is opening or closing so they know a safe place to wait. Tell them not to hang on the door as it’s opening and that the opening button or switch is not a toy.

Assess the door opener sensors every season to look for scratches and ensure they are angled at one another. Damaged or incorrectly placed sensors may allow the door to close, injuring someone or breaking something that is in the way.


Homeowners interested in garage door installation or repairs should contact Capital Overhead Door Co in Lancaster County, NE. The expert technicians offer over 25 years of experience with top brands like North Central® and LiftMaster®. Call the Lincoln-area company at (402) 466-2754 or visit their website for information on their custom door creation and inventory of pre-made doors from many design styles.
