
Although any cancer can happen anytime to anyone, people are more prone to certain conditions depending on age and health history. This is why it’s crucial to get particular cancer screenings at specific stages in life. To help you stay on schedule, here’s a guide with the recommended guidelines for each type of exam.

Cervical Cancer 

Starting around age 21, women become vulnerable to cervical cancer, especially if they’ve had their uterus or cervix removed. Women should get Pap smears every three years until the age of 29, then every five years until they’re 65. After that point, testing is only necessary if the woman has had cervical precancer

Endometrial Cancer 

A woman should schedule a cancer screening for uterine cancer annually after going through menopause, or if she notices vaginal bleeding once she’s stopped having periods.

Women who have hereditary nonpolyposis should start getting these screenings around 35 years of age, as they are at an increased risk.

Breast Cancer 

cancer screeningsAlthough breast cancer can develop in younger women, those who are 40 and older are most at risk.

It’s recommended that women get mammograms annually once they reach that age, then every two years after they reach 55. 

Prostate Cancer 

Men should get annual prostate biopsies starting at age 50. For those whose relatives developed prostate cancer earlier than 65, screenings should begin at age 45. 

Colorectal Cancer 

Both men and women should have their stools examined for signs of colon or rectal cancer between the ages of 45 and 75. Depending on the patient’s family history, doctors determine whether regular screenings are necessary after that. 

Lung Cancer 

Anyone who smokes or has quit in the last 15 years should undergo lung screenings from age 55 to 74. Although lung cancer is more likely to develop in smokers, it affects nonsmokers as well, so annual screenings at these ages is always recommended.

You can receive all of these cancer screenings and more from the board-certified radiologists at Main Street Radiology in Bayside, NY. They use the most up-to-date equipment and techniques. They are compassionate and dedicated to their patients’ health, and will help you enjoy a long and fulfilling life. Learn more about their offered procedures on their website or call (718) 428-1500 to schedule an appointment.
