
Lawn aeration involves removing small plugs of soil from the ground to improve water drainage and access to oxygen and other nutrients. It is most often performed on lawns where the soil is compacted from heavy vehicle or foot traffic or lawns with a large amount of thatch. Here are some of the advantages of lawn aeration.

A Guide to Lawn Aeration Perks

1. Enhance the Health of the Lawn

The primary benefit of aeration is its ability to improve the health of your grass. The roots can more easily absorb water, oxygen, and fertilizer, allowing them to grow deeper and stronger. Grass will be more resilient and able to withstand the weight and burden of frequent human, animal, and vehicle usage. Less soil compaction means that your lawn will have fewer dead spots and patches of thinning or absent grass.

2. Spruce Up Your Green Spaces

lawn aerationFrom an aesthetic perspective, the lawn anchors an entire property. When grasses are vibrant and verdant, they naturally transform the look and feel of outdoor spaces. With the lawn-health benefits of aeration, grasses will be greener and lusher. Because water will drain and absorb with greater efficiency, you'll also have fewer standing puddles after waterings and storms. A healthier lawn is an attractive and inviting feature of any property.

3. Prevent Thatch

Thatch is a stubborn layer of stems, roots, leaves, and other organic matter that naturally accumulates between grass and soil. Too much thatch will cut off the supply of the vital nutrients your lawn needs. Aeration allows soil organisms to more easily reach and decompose the thatch layer, resulting in reduced and more controlled thatch growth.


When you need professional lawn aeration in St. Louis and St. Charles counties, MO, contact A Kick in the Grass Lawn Service. For over 14 years, they have been providing a variety of landscaping and lawn care services, including aeration, mulching, leaf removal, and lawn maintenance. They also install retaining walls, clean gutters, and remove snow. Call (314) 471-6186 to request a quote, and visit their website to explore their services.
