
If you’re looking for ways to improve your overall health on a daily basis, starting with a smile is one of the easiest. The action has a powerful impact on your body, as well as your surroundings. Understanding these perks will ensure you enjoy the benefits—and may prompt you to fix oral care issues that might be stopping you from showing the world your brightest grin.

How Smiling Benefits Your Health

1. Reducing Stress

Smiling can reduce stress on a chemical level. Studies have shown that when you smile, your body releases neuropeptides. These molecules stimulate dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin production. These natural pain-relievers and mood-boosters combat stress and will improve your mood.

Start simple. When you wake up, walk to the bathroom mirror and smile at yourself for 30 seconds. It’s a practice you can continue hours later if you’re feeling down.

2. Attracting Others

oral careSmiling naturally draws other people to you. With recent studies showing that people form first impressions of others in 27 seconds—often before speaking to each other—a smile can help make a meeting a positive one. You appear more approachable. If you have a contagious smile, you may make those around you feel better, which, in turn, boosts your own mood. These benefits apply in familial, workplace, and social settings, so make it a habit.

3. Boosting Your Immune System

Studies have shown that smiling and feeling good about yourself can also increase immune system health.  You may potentially get sick less often. If you do begin to feel ill, smiling and maintaining a positive attitude may also help you overcome the sickness more quickly.


If oral care issues are impacting your smile, turn to Genrich Family Dentistry. This Lincoln, NE, dentist offers a number of cosmetic dentistry services. Whether you want a teeth whitening treatment, veneers, or dental bonding to fix a chip, they’ll ensure you find a solution to achieve a smile you love. You can explore their general oral care services on their website. Schedule a cleaning by calling (402) 466-2211.
