
Many parents hesitate to take their children to the dentist for the first time. Often, they aren’t sure what the right age is and worry about their little one’s comfort level. If you’re experiencing similar concerns, here’s what you should know about your child’s first dental exam. 

When Should Your Child Get Their First Dental Exam?

According to The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, you should take your child to the dentist when their first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday. Even though this may sound young, children face the risk of cavities and other dental problems as soon as their primary teeth erupt.

It’s important to keep those teeth healthy and strong, as they help your child develop speech and chew correctly. Baby teeth also provide a path for your child’s adult teeth to follow, ensuring they grow in properly. Early dental visits play an essential role in maintaining primary teeth.

What Will Happen at the Exam? 

dentistA child’s first dental exam serves as a gentle introduction to the experience of having your teeth examined and cleaned. Your dentist will work hard to keep your little one as comfortable as possible throughout the appointment.

Unless your child is old enough and willing to sit in the chair alone, your child will be seated on your lap. The dentist will then examine your child’s teeth and jaw, ensuring they’re developing properly and free of issues like cavities and mouth injuries. If needed, the dentist will then clean and polish your child’s teeth to get rid of any plaque, tartar, or stains.

Finally, your dentist will give you tips on caring for your child’s teeth. For example, they may demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques and discuss age-specific concerns like infant feeding practices, teething, and thumb-sucking. 


If it’s time for your little one’s first dental exam, turn to the compassionate team at Comfort Family Dentistry. Located in Cohoes, NY, lead dentist Dr. Thomas M. Patregnani has more than 35 years of experience caring for patients of all ages. He and his caring staff are committed to making your child’s first visit as stress-free as possible. Learn more about the practice online, and call (518) 235-3862 to schedule an appointment today. 
