
After a long period of contacting agents and hunting for listings, you’ll be eager to pick a property and proceed with the house closing process. However, it’s important to avoid homes that might make you regret that commitment. Use the following list to stay away from troublesome properties.

3 Red Flags for Potential Home Buyers

1. Off-Limits Areas

When you’re touring a new home, you’ll want to imagine your life there. Therefore, the seller or real estate agent should allow you full freedom to explore. If you run into a locked door or “off-limits” area, this is a clear warning that something’s amiss. If they don’t offer to show you the space soon, you should walk away altogether.

2. A Too-Quiet Neighborhood

house closingDon’t just look at the house itself— walk down the street or drive through the neighborhood. If a significant number of homes are also on the market, people are leaving the community. Whether there’s an issue with the HOA, a pest problem, or rising crime rates, follow the crowd.

3. Selective Repainting

Before a house closing, the interior walls and trim are repainted to fix scuffs and stains that accumulate over time. However, noticing only a single wall of new paint, or even just a patch job implies something more serious than a simple cosmetic touch up. In fact, new paint or patchwork might be covering splotches of mold, or stains from plumbing leaks inside the wall. If the room smells musty or the ceiling sags, that’s a red flag.


If you’ve managed to steer clear of these red flags and find the perfect house, reach out to All Points Title & Closing, Inc. of Hamilton, OH. They have been helping eager buyers finalize the house closing process with title insurance and escrow services since 1986. To learn more about their offerings, visit the website. You can also call (513) 863-7600 to speak with a representative about a title search.
