
When you first get a new vehicle, you want to keep it looking pristine for as long as possible. Though no perfect paint job lasts forever, you can use these do’s and don’ts to prevent auto body damage.


Make room in the garage.

Any vehicle left outside is vulnerable to auto body damage. Debris, loose branches, or kids riding bikes or shooting hoops may end up damaging the paint. Criminals are also much less likely to damage or steal your vehicle in a closed garage.

Create sufficient room to comfortably enter and exit the garage. Few storage items are as valuable as your vehicle, so give it space worthy of the investment.

Also, never use your vehicle to hold boxes, cups, surfboards, laptops, or any other objects that might leave scratches while you’re getting in or out.

Keep it clean.

body damageUse only touch-free car washes, where high-pressured water and detergents are guided by sensors to remove residue from the vehicle.

If you prefer hand-washing, use damp microfiber towels and gentle cleaning agents.

Be mindful of vacuum hoses, which can scratch your paint job, when detailing the interior of your vehicle. To avoid dings, never reach a hose across a door or other parts of the vehicle.


Stray from the beaten path.

Keep your car safe from flying rocks, which might leave chips or dents, by staying off of dirt and gravel roads. Keep a safe distance from large vehicles on the freeway and in construction zones where debris and gravel are more common.

Squeeze it in.

Even when you’re in a hurry, take the time to find an open or end space toward the back of the parking lot. Stray shopping carts and rushed drivers are much less common back there.

Don’t force your vehicle into a tight parking spot, especially when parallel parking. Even if you manage to avoid bumping the nearby vehicles, there’s no guarantee that they will exit as successfully.

    Even the most careful drivers eventually need auto body repairs, in which case Basic Auto Collision Team is the top choice for auto detailing, paint jobs, and collision repairs in Honolulu, HI. They specialize in repairs and bodywork for luxury vehicles, plus they provide car rentals while you await their meticulous service. Visit their website to find out more about how they’ll get your vehicle back on the road in pristine shape, or call (808) 842-3966 to make an appointment.