
Estimated to impact more than 90 million American adults, snoring is a common experience for most people—and those that they share their sleep environment with. But while snoring can be aggravating, it can also be a sign of an underlying health problem that requires professional attention. If you’re ready to sleep soundly, here are a few possible reasons you or a loved one might be snoring—and how a dentist may be able to help.

Why Are You Snoring?

Nasal Congestion

Irregular snoring is often linked to nasal congestion. Whether due to the common cold or a sinus infection, this congestion blocks the nasal passages, making it harder for air to flow through. The resulting snoring can usually be corrected by taking a decongestant or treating the underlying problem with help from a doctor.

Sleep Position

dentistLying flat on your back is considered the worst position for snorers. When your head is resting flat on the pillow, your airways and tongue are more likely to relax. Sometimes, switching to a new sleep position—such as on your side—can alleviate the problem.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

If you snore regularly every night, you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. This chronic condition occurs when airway tissues become too relaxed during sleep. As a result, air can’t flow through the mouth and throat as it should. Throughout the night, the lack of oxygen will cause you to wake up briefly and impair your ability to get a full night of rest. Over time, sleep apnea can lead to many negative health consequences—including chronic daytime fatigue, poor concentration, and weight gain.

What Dental Treatments Can Reduce Snoring?

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, talk to your dentist about oral appliances that can help improve nighttime breathing.

This device is custom-shaped to comfortably fit over your teeth. By slightly adjusting the position of your jaw, the oral appliance makes it easier for your airways to remain open and reduces snoring.

Compared to CPAP breathing machines, oral appliances can be just as effective, less cumbersome, and a more affordable way to treat sleep apnea and prevent snoring.


When chronic snoring is keeping you or your partner up at night, Kennedy Dental Group in Anchorage, AK, is here to help make your sleep less stressful. Providing comprehensive care for patients of all ages, this family dentistry office can diagnose sleep apnea problems and remedy them with nighttime oral appliances. With a strong commitment to patient comfort, these dentists will work with you to ensure your appliance fits comfortably for long-term snoring relief. To learn more about these services, visit them online. If you’d like to schedule an oral exam, call (907) 277-5684.
