
Canine behaviors can sometimes be baffling for their owners, and paw chewing is no exception. If your dog has recently taken a serious interest in their paws, you may be wondering about the cause behind this new development. Find out what the symptom means and whether it warrants a visit to see a veterinarian below.

Why Do Dogs Chew Their Paws?

As with many strange dog behaviors, there could be a number of potential reasons for paw gnawing. After a walk, your pup could be simply grooming themselves. Yet, more consistent chewing may point to an issue such as allergies. Factors like pollen, outdoor chemicals, and certain types of foods can trigger allergies in your pet, but it isn’t always easy to pinpoint the precise cause without professional help.

veterinarianChewing could also be a means of attempting to relieve dry or injured skin. If you’ve been walking your pup outside during cold winter months, icy conditions or road salt could be causing discomfort. Consider applying a paw balm to protect their pads, or purchase a pair of booties. Introducing an oil regimen with your veterinarian’s approval could also help to keep their skin moist and healthy.

If the factors above have been ruled out, it’s possible the chewing could be a result of anxiety, fleas or other parasites, or an infection. 

What Should You Do About It?

The course of action you take to remedy the chewing will depend on the underlying cause for the behavior. If eliminating the suspected trigger from your dog’s diet or routine solves the issue, you may not need to pursue further treatment. Yet, if the chewing becomes more frequent, your dog has visible injuries on their paws, or your pup is keeping one or more paws elevated, make an appointment with a veterinarian. These professionals can help pinpoint the cause of the behavior and suggest solutions for the underlying issue as well as any symptoms which have developed from the excessive chewing.


If your pet has an unfamiliar symptom, allow the team from Animal Care Center of Fairfield to help. Serving Butler County, OH, this caring veterinarian’s office has more than 30 years of experience in comprehensive pet care. For your convenience, they offer extended doctor hours even for nonpatients to provide prompt and affordable veterinary care. Find out more about their services online or call (513) 829-6621 to schedule an appointment.
