
Happy Valentine's Day!


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In this Newsletter:

Valentine's Day Special

New Women Owned Bean Offerings

Monthly Specials

Click images at the bottom of the newsletter for more new items

Coming soon: New beans, a blowout special, and more.

Watch for the next newsletter!



Valentine's Day Special


SR800 Roaster

$259.00 (a $310.45 value)


Give the ultimate gift to the coffee lover in your life!

Each SR800 Valentine's Special includes:

  • The New Fresh Roast SR800 - full 1/2 pound capacity - twice as much as previous Fresh Roast Roasters
  • 5 FREE pounds of green coffee beans
  • Our NEW 16oz. Stainless Steel Travel Mug
  • 1/4 pound of fresh roasted Chocolate Raspberry whole bean coffee
  • 5 red glassine lined coffee bags - perfect for gift giving!
  • Order by February 7 for V-Day Delivery!



New Women Owned Coffee Bean Offerings


Colombian Cauca - Women Coffee Producer Program

As low as $6.59/pound

Taste: Lots of sugar flavor with toffee, lemon and milk chocolate flavors with tart citric acidity. A great overall cup that you can drink and enjoy everyday.

Roast: A hard bean that takes a Dark/French roast very well and excels as an espresso.

About: AMACA (Asociación de Mujeres Productoras Agropecuarias del Cauca) is a group of women producers located in El Tambo, Cauca, Colombia that was formed in 1999 by 80 women from El Tambo, in Colombia’s Cauca department. Now AMACA is 140 smallholder members strong, all women farm owners and heads of household—and their coffees are fantastic. All of the members derive their livelihood and the livelihoods of their families from the cultivation and production of coffee. In 2008, AMACA partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture, the governor of Cauca, and the municipality of El Tambo to increase the production and quality of coffee on 80 members’ farms. In 2010, the organization “Social Action” supplied 22 farms with new wet mills and processing tanks. Today, 140 active members from three different villages across the El Tambo municipality make up AMACA. The average farm size is 1 hectare (5,000 trees) per member, some members have 3+ hectares and many members have less than one.

Honduras Marcala - Women Coffee Producer Program - Fair Trade Organic

As low as $6.09/pound

Taste: This women owned offering delivers a creamy-smooth traditional clean cup of coffee with a slight hint of floral pear.

Roast: A light roast will bring out the lemon in this cup. Right before second crack produces the buttery smoothness that Hondurans are known for. Bring it into second crack to bring out the bold rich almond and toffee flavors.

About: The 2016/2017 harvest saw our first opportunity to source a Women Coffee Producer lot from this group “Cooperativa RAOS (Regional de Agricultores Orgánicos de la Sierra)”, whose 270-farmer membership includes 77 women. Now we are able to buy several containers from the women as well as the mixed group.

One of the reasons the cooperative is determined to market its women members’ coffee is that 60 percent of the women face gender-based legal issues with regards to the ownership of their land, as well as limitations to the credit they can receive to finance the harvest every year. In addition to the program premiums these women receive for this lot, Cooperativa RAOS has many very active educational support programs open to all members. Gender assemblies are held by female members in order to discuss the women’s needs, as well as ways of increasing equity within the group and community.

“Gender equity means that women and men have the right to equal and fair access to the use, control, and benefits from the same goods and services of society, as well as to decision-making in the areas of social, economic, and social life, as well as politics.” This is Cooperativa RAOS’s mission statement with regards to gender, a philosophy that the organization supports through the development of training farms, as well as integrated farm-management programs, and in increasing access to these programs as well as organic-farming support to all members, including the female growers.


Mexican Chiapas - Women Coffee Producer Program - Fair Trade Organic

As low as $6.49/pound

Taste: This bean’s gentle sweetness and light acidity make it a great blender for a dark roasted Espresso, but we loved it at a Medium Roast!

Roast: Extending the drying and development phases increases this bean’s natural sweetness.

About: The farms contributing to Triunfo Verde Co-op are located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. The biosphere is located in the highlands of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve is one of the world’s most diverse forest reserves. This reserve contains Mesoamerica’s largest continuous cloud forest, and it serves as a refuge to thousands of plant and animal species. El Triunfo is a rare and valuable sanctuary which requires continued protection. All the coffee they produce is shade-grown, and biological corridors are created in order to facilitate bird and animal migration.

Triunfo Verde Co-op comprises 346 members.

This Women Producers lot hopefully will allow the women of Triunfo Verde to increase their production and invest in projects within their communities and for their families.


Sumatra Aceh Bintang Dirahmah - Women Coffee Producer Program - Fair Trade Organic

As low as $7.29/pound

Taste: The earthiness you expect from a Sumatra blended with sweet red pepper and a smooth mouthfeel.

Roast: We like to roast these medium to medium/dark so we don’t loose their innate sweetness.

About: The Ketiara Cooperative was formed in 2008 by Ms. Ibu Ramhah, a farmer and former coffee collector in the region of Central Aceh. She manages the cooperative and its subgroups, including Ratu Ketiara, which was founded in 2015 with 1,128 smallholder members. The producers here own small plots of land, and many grow disease-resistant coffee varieties that have been developed for cultivation in Indonesia, including Ateng and other Catimors. Coffee here is depulped the day it’s delivered to the washing station, then fermented for 12–24 hours before being cleaned of its mucilage. It is pre-dried on patios for 5–8 hours, then the parchment layer is removed in the Wet-Hulled process and the coffee is dried again for 1–2 days.


Monthly Specials - 25% Off

Costa Rica - El Conquistador - Dota Tarrazu

Reg $6.99/lb - Now as low as $5.09/lb

Cupping Notes: Dark chocolate, cherry and berries with a nutty aftertaste; winey, heavy body, sweet and complex as the cup cools.

Cupping Score: 86

Taste: El Conquistador is well balanced with notes of lush tropical fruit and bittersweet chocolate, and has a smooth pronounced body.

Roast: This versatile bean accepts all roast levels.

About: We are thrilled to add this excellent bean sourced from our partners at Hacienda La Minita. El Conquistador is a trademarked Dota coffee. It has the classic piquant acidity and lively winey flavor expected of the region’s best coffees.

Costa Rican coffees are among the world’s best. Dramatic mountain ranges with high elevations steer the ocean breezes and rain clouds, young volcanic soil provides the medium for coffee trees, and dedicated farmers tend their fields and manage the health and harvest of the coffee fruit.

Coffee is generally traded in cherry form in Costa Rica, so every afternoon and evening during harvest the roads are packed with coffee trucks, loaded with freshly picked cherries, traveling from farm to receiving station and receiving station to mill. In the heart of the harvest, trucks roll into mills all through the night and into the early morning.

The history the legendary Hacienda La Minita plantation begins in the Tarrazú Mountains, and Costa Rica feels like home. In addition to their large farms La Minita, La Pradera, and Rio Negro, they manage two complete wet and dry mills, fed by 30 of their own purchasing/receiving stations, where they buy coffee fruit from over 1,000 farmers each year! Based on coffee cherry volumes from their own farms, they are the second largest farming operation in the country. The focus continues to be on top quality: ripe cherries, meticulous about a clean mill, and uncompromising on cup quality. Every year La Minita produces a wide selection of coffee from small farms and large, from RFA certified producers, specially processed coffees from partner micro-mills and special varietal selections and processes from their own mill.

Cinnamon and Sugar Coffee Bean Flavoring

Reg $9.99/4oz - Now $7.49/4oz

Crushed cinnamon, sugar and nuts.


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