
Electrolysis is one of the most popular methods for removing unwanted facial and body hairs. If you have dark hair, you may wonder how effective this procedure is, since black and brown hairs are often more difficult to remove. Below, you’ll learn more about how electrolysis works on dark hair. 

Your Guide to Electrolysis for Dark Hair

How It Works

Electrolysis targets each hair individually, making it a precise means of permanent hair removal. Your technician will insert a probe with a fine tip into each follicle, destroying the growth center with heat or chemical energy. Afterward, they’ll gently remove the hair with tweezers, repeating this process over the area of concern.

Does It Remove Dark Hair?electrolysis

Electrolysis focuses on individually removing the hair at its follicle, so it works for both light and dark hair. This differs from laser hair removal, which targets pigmentation and works best for people with dark hair and light skin. Electrolysis is effective for all skin and hair types, and it won’t burn you if you have darker skin like laser hair removal can.

Length of Procedure & Side Effects 

The amount of time it takes to complete electrolysis depends on how much hair you want removed. Appointments for small areas like the chin or upper lip can last 15 minutes, but larger areas like legs and thighs can take up to an hour. The process is painless but may cause temporary redness, tenderness, and swelling. You might need a series of treatments to remove all problem hairs, but once you finish your treatments, the hairs will never grow back. 


When you’re ready to get rid of unwanted hairs forever, get in touch with Hair Today Gone Tomorrow. Located in Dallas, TX, they provide electrolysis to remove hair from the lips, arms, back, and other areas of the body permanently. Call (682) 593-1442 to schedule a free hair removal consultation or visit the website to learn more.
