
If your pet is having surgery or is injured, the veterinarian may recommend using an E-collar to prevent them from licking, biting, or scratching their wound. The collar, also known as the Elizabethan collar, can be challenging for a pet to adjust to. Here are four animal care tips to help them feel more comfortable. 

How to Help Your Pet Adjust to an E-Collar 

1. Introduce It Gradually 

Before a planned pet surgery, such as spaying or neutering, try introducing the cone to your furry friend beforehand. They may be frightened by the cone at first and try to run away. To help ease their nerves, bring the device out in a safe environment at a time when your pet is relaxed. Let them sniff it and, if possible, put it on them for short periods. Don’t remove the cone when they’re barking or acting out, as this may indicate to your pet that their bad behavior will result in the cone being removed. Instead, wait until they’ve calmed down to remove it.

2. Carry Them When Necessary

veterinarianYour pet might be confused by the E-collar since it will affect their peripheral vision and spatial awareness. To help them better navigate their surroundings, carry them out of the veterinarian’s office and into your car. Keep an eye on them to help them avoid running into furniture at home and monitor them throughout the day.

3. Remove Obstacles

You’ll need to pet-proof the space before bringing them home from the animal hospital. Help them feel more comfortable by moving furniture to create wider pathways and move their bed near an open space so they can get in it without any obstacles. After surgery, particularly if the veterinarian administered a sedative, they might be sleepy, so it’s best to place them in an open area free of barriers like couches, dressers, and cabinets. 

4. Make Food & Water Accessible

Make sure your pet can access their food and water bowls with their cone on. You might need to move them away from the wall or put them on a slightly raised surface. If your pet has difficulty eating with the collar on, you may want to remove it at mealtimes and put it back on as soon as they’re finished. 



If your four-legged family member needs pet surgery or other animal wellness care, turn to the caring team at TLC Pet Care Centers. With two locations in the Greater Cincinnati area, this animal hospital and pet boarding facility is your source for compassionate, experienced professional pet care. Call (513) 683-2300 to speak with a staff member at their Montgomery Road location or call (513) 825-4011 for the Hamilton Avenue location. Visit their website to learn more about the practice and services. 
