
Although advances in technology have made forged documents harder to detect, young adults still risk criminal law convictions and penalties if caught with fake IDs. To learn more about the specifics of this crime in Alabama, take a look at the guide below.

Criminal Law in Alabama: A Guide to Fake IDs

If Caught

In Alabama, individuals caught using a piece of identification created with the intent to defraud may be charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument. The circumstances of your case will determine the severity of the charge, but it could be anything from a misdemeanor to a class B felony. In the latter case, you may end up with six months of jail time and/or a fine of $1,000.

If you created the fake ID, you could be charged with a class C felony for this act alone—not counting the possession and use of the forgery. If you bought the ID from a seller in-person or online, you would instead face a charge of “possession of a forged instrument in the fourth degree.” In addition, you may be charged with forgery—a “crime of moral turpitude” that remains on your record indefinitely.

If Using Someone Else’s Real ID

criminal lawLet’s say you didn’t create or buy a fake ID. Instead, you borrowed a friend’s real ID to purchase cigarettes or alcohol or to get into a club. These acts are subject to the same penalties as the use of a forged identification card.

If you’re found carrying someone else’s out-of-state ID, you’re in the clear. However, if it’s an Alabama driver’s license, you’ll be charged with a class A misdemeanor. 

If You’re a Minor

In many cases, teens use fake IDs because they’re underage. Using a fake ID as a minor is an entirely separate charge. You’ll be in trouble with criminal law authorities not only for using a license that’s not real or not yours but also for possessing alcohol or cigarettes as a minor. 

In Alabama, minors may receive a $25 to $100 fine if convicted of possessing alcohol and up to 30 days in jail. For the fake ID charge, you’ll be fined between $50 and $500, face up to three months in prison, and have your driver’s license suspended for up to six months.


If you or your child needs a lawyer to fight criminal law charges, contact Edmiston Law Office of Scottsboro, AL. They have over 20 years of experience fighting for clients’ rights across Jackson County, from DUIs to fake ID charges. This firm, which also practices family law, handles divorce, custody, and child support cases, too. To learn more about their offerings, visit their website, or call (256) 259-0834 today for a consultation.
