
Your HVAC system is responsible for keeping your home cool and comfortable throughout the warm months. To prevent unexpected summer breakdowns, familiarize yourself with a few maintenance tasks you can perform on your air conditioning unit during the early spring season. Below, learn more about how you can promote efficiency, prevent repair issues, and promote the lifespan of your system.

What Maintenance Does Your HVAC Need in Spring?

1. Seal Gaps & Cracks

During the summer, warm outdoor air will seep into your home through any gaps and cracks around your windows and doors. This causes your HVAC system to cycle more frequently to reach the desired thermostat temperature, as it must compensate for constantly rising temperatures. Ensure comfort and reasonable utility expenses by inspecting your windows and doors and caulking any unsealed areas to prevent heat transfer.

2. Replace the Filter 

HVACYour HVAC filter removes dirt, dust, and other debris from the air before it cools and circulates throughout your residence. When the filter becomes saturated with contaminants, the unit will struggle to pull in air, causing it to use more power and energy. Replacing the filter once per month will take some of the stress off your system, which promotes efficiency and keeps your bills to a minimum. 

3. Clean Ducts 

Ducts carry conditioned air to the rooms of your home. When you don’t use your AC during the winter, dust and allergens settle in the ducts. As a result, your indoor air may smell musty, and you might experience allergy or asthma flareups when you turn the unit on for the first time in a while. Hire a professional contractor for duct cleaning in the spring so that your indoor air remains fresh and easy to breathe throughout the summer. 


Keep your heating and cooling system functional throughout the summer with spring inspections from Rochester Heating & Cooling Inc. These HVAC contractors provide furnace and air conditioner maintenance and repairs to clients throughout Rochester, NY. Call (585) 458-3700 to get a quote on a new HVAC system, or visit the website to learn more about how they can keep your indoor air clean and comfortable. 
