
Some of the most common issues that bring patients to a urology specialist are urinary tract infections and kidney stones. In many cases, treatment for these problems requires changing your daily habits. Healthy bladder habits prevent infections and some types of kidney stones from recurring and are also crucial for your full-body health. Here’s how to get started. 

How to Protect Your Bladder

1. Drink Enough Fluids

The common wisdom is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, and this rule of thumb is helpful for many people. However, your hydration needs depend on your body size, activity levels, and environment, so you may need more or less water than the common recommendation.

Also, you get water from your food and most drinks, not just glasses of water, which makes it harder to keep track. Instead of aiming for a specific number of glasses, drink when you're thirsty or feel the urge, and pay attention to your urine. If it's clear or light yellow, you're getting enough fluid; if it's darker, drink more.

2. Exercise

Urology SpecialistYou can strengthen them by doing Kegel exercises, also called pelvic floor exercises. Also, have a general exercise routine at least a few times a week. Focus on cardio; for example, run, play a sport, or bike. These activities help with digestion and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Develop Healthy Bathroom Habits

Holding urine too often or too long can damage your bladder and lead to infections, so make sure to go when you feel the urge. Sit or stand in a relaxed position, and take your time so your bladder empties completely. For women, wipe from front to back. Also, urinate after intercourse to prevent infections; this will keep the urinary tract and urethra clean.


For bladder care from a urology specialist in High Point, NC, choose Medical Center Urology. Led by Dr. Richard Puschinsky and serving the Piedmont Triad area, they have 30 years of experience working with patients of all ages and providing prompt, reliable treatments for a wide range of conditions. Call (336) 882-0220 for an appointment, or visit their website to learn more.
