
When your child is young, they may not yet be getting regular eye exams. This can make it difficult to determine if their vision has changed or if they need eyeglasses. Before scheduling a visit with your eye doctor, look for the following signs that your little one needs help seeing.

Signs of Eye Problems in Kids

1. Squinting

Like adults, children who have trouble seeing at both near and far distances may squint. If you notice your child doing this when they're reading, or if your child’s teacher mentions squinting in the classroom, call your eye doctor for a vision check.

2. Headaches & Pain

Deteriorating eyesight can cause recurring headaches in some children, as they need to work harder to see clearly. Similarly, some children may complain of eye pain that's caused by overuse of the eyes to compensate for deteriorating vision.

3. Dry Eyes or Eye Rubbing

eyeglassesAnother physical symptom of vision problems is dry eyes. You might also notice that your child rubs their eyes frequently due to straining. Over-the-counter eye drops may temporarily help, but the issue will persist if it's related to a vision problem.

4. Sitting Too Close

If your child sits too close to the TV or holds books and tablets up to their face, they likely have vision problems. On the other hand, they may sit far away or hold items at a great distance. If either positioning has changed recently, it may be related to vision changes.

5. Bumping Into Items

While many children bump into items due to clumsiness, they may also be dealing with vision problems. If your child suddenly starts walking into furniture or failing to step over objects on the floor, their eyesight may be to blame. In these cases, talk to their doctor about eyeglasses.


If you’re concerned about your child’s vision, let the caring doctors at The Whitefish Eye Center help. This office serves clients throughout Flathead County, MT, bringing 40 years of experience to every eye exam. They also work with children and can provide eyeglasses if necessary. To schedule an appointment, call (406) 862-2020. To learn more about their available services, visit their website.
