
At some point, most drivers have to get behind the wheel in bad weather. After driving in high winds and heavy rain, you may need a car wash, but you’ll most certainly need auto body repairs if you fail to drive defensively. Here’s some advice for staying safe on the road when conditions aren’t great.

How to Drive Defensively in Bad Weather

1. Avoid Large Vehicles

Semis and box trucks create drafts that may temporarily shield your car from wind and rain. However, once they pass by, you may be drenched or blown from your lane. Whenever possible, steer clear of large vehicles to avoid unpredictable pockets of weather that hamper driving.

2. Anticipate Gusts

Keep both hands on the steering wheel to maintain control if it’s gusty or stormy. Put your phone out of reach to avoid distractions, and turn on the radio for reports of changing weather conditions.

3. Drive Slowly 

car wash

The number on a speed limit sign suggests the best speed for driving under ideal conditions. During bad weather, always reduce your speed for safe operation in less-than-desirable weather. Slow down even more on inclines, in  construction zones, and on S curves. Traveling 30 miles per hour slower than a 75 mph speed limit allows drives to react safely to reduced visibility and challenging road conditions.

4. Keep the Lights On

Rain and wind make it challenging to see vehicles in your lane and elsewhere, whether close or far away. Turn on your low beams or fog lights to let other drivers know you’re there.

5. Leave Extra Room Between Cars

Cars need extra time and space to stop and slow down when the roads are wet. When approaching an intersection or a stop sign, wait nine or so seconds after a car passes before proceeding. Give yourself plenty of time and roadway space to stop. If you increase the buffer zone between your car and the one in front of you, you’ll avoid a collision if you need suddenly to hit the brakes.


For a professional car wash after a big storm, visit Auto Embassy in Columbia, MO. Their auto-detailing technicians have years of experience cleaning interiors and washing and waxing exteriors. Call them at (573) 397-4167, or visit the website for information on their interior services like shampooing, bacteria removal, and heated extractions. Text 573-226-6198 to join their VIP club and get a free car wash.
