
More people are undergoing home renovations, and commercial properties are often improving their facilities, which means more construction waste is being generated. If you need construction waste disposal services, here are some ways to reduce your junk haul and feel better about your throwaways. 

3 Ways to Dispose of Your Renovation Waste

1. Divide Waste Into Categories

It’s helpful to rent dumpsters or bins from a trash removal company so you can separate your waste into categories. Some waste, such as cardboard, steel, and concrete, can be recycled. Other debris, such as doors and cabinets, can be salvaged. The rest should be taken to a landfill. 

2. Salvage Usable Debris

disposal-services-hawaiiYou can sell some of your so-called junk to companies who will then resell the pieces to other contractors or homeowners doing renovations. Contact the antique stores in your area to ask if they pay for old light fixtures, toilets, ceiling fans, furniture, and flooring pieces. Find a demolition or salvage yard, and inquire if they pay for renovation waste.

3. Donate the Pieces You Can’t Salvage

If the antique stores and salvage yards aren’t interested in the pieces leftover from your renovation, try donating them to a non-profit or church that can repurpose them. For example, Re-Use Hawaii is a non-profit organization that seeks to reduce Oahu’s solid waste by selling it at affordable prices to others. Ask the disposal service company you hire for recommendations about recycling or donating your waste.


If you need disposal services for your renovation in Hawaii, Pacific Junk Removal is here to help. This locally owned junk removal service specializes in properly disposing of waste as responsibly as possible. That’s why they partner with many recycling and non-profit agencies to make sure your waste doesn’t all land up in a landfill. Call (808) 833-7171 for a free estimate, or learn more about their services online.
