
As the body ages, the eyes become susceptible to several age-related conditions that affect vision. These issues can lead to blindness without routine eye exams and timely care. Here, learn about these common conditions and what you can do to preserve your eyes as you get older. 

Eye Care Information & Tips For Seniors

Weakened Eye Issues

The eyes weaken with age, increasing the risk of eye problems. Among them is presbyopia, also known as farsightedness, which is when seeing print and objects close-up becomes difficult. The condition usually isn’t noticeable until after age 40 and can be addressed with reading glasses or a change of prescription.

Dry eyes and tearing — when the eyes produce too few or too many tears, respectively — are also common. They can be corrected with humidifiers, eye drops, or surgery depending on the issue.

Eye Conditions

eye examsEye diseases can also occur in older individuals, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal-related issues, including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Glaucoma increases pressure on optic nerves to cause vision changes and blindness, while cataracts cloud the eyes’ lenses and prevent light from entering the back of the eyes.

Cataracts and age-related macular degeneration come with blindness risks, with the latter condition due to macula damage. The macula helps the eyes view what’s directly in front of them, so degeneration can make objects appear blurry.

Diabetic retinopathy affects diabetics. This condition damages retinal blood vessels, causing them to leak, grow abnormally, and break from the retina.

Tips For Eye Health

Early detection provides the key to diagnosing these diseases and providing treatments that prevent blindness. Comprehensive eye exams dilate the eyes to detect vision changes that are otherwise unnoticeable.

Schedule eye exams every six months to a year depending on your current vision health. Your eye doctor will also ensure your glasses and contacts are the right prescription and recommend sunglasses that shield against UVA and UVB rays that harm the eyes, such as wraparound options with built-in UV protection.

Healthy lifestyle habits contribute to your vision as you age, such as exercising regularly to reduce blood pressure in the eyes. Avoid tobacco use since cigarette smoke irritates the eyes and exposes them to assorted chemicals.

Enjoy a varied, balanced diet. Consume foods high in vitamin C, antioxidants, beta-carotene, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which have shown to boost eye health. Leafy greens, citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, squash, sweet potatoes, and oily fish are among your best food sources for vision maintenance. 


Schedule your next eye exam at Alexander Eye Associates & Optical as part of your commitment to lasting eye health. Based in Rochester, NY, the eye care center offers routine eye exams as well as eye disease screenings. They also offer solutions like LASIK eye surgery. Call (585) 325-3070 today to make an appointment or visit the eye doctors online for new patient information. 
